Introducing JC Politi Photography – My first photo exhibit!

Copyright JC Politi Photography
One of my favorite photos from Patagonia, Argentina

Readers of this blog know that I have a passion for photography. I turned 40 this year and am dedicating this decade to the creative side of my brain.

With that in mind (pun intended!! ;-)), I purchased a DSLR camera, signed up for an intensive online course through the New York Institute of Photography, and finally asked our local breakfast place if I might be able to show my photos. And they said yes!!

So, this afternoon, I am hanging 12 photos from my adventures in Argentina at the Southside Walnut Cafe in Boulder and I couldn’t be more excited. I also printed business cards and started a website at:

It is not much, but I think it is a good start. I feel so official!! I hope you will take a moment to stop by.

Copyright JC Politi Photography
I feel kind of like a butterfly, transforming right before my own eyes!!

Honestly, the support and encouragement I have recieved through this blog are directly responsible for my willingness to put my work out there in the public.

When I look at my own photos, sometimes it is hard to see if they are any good or not, because I look at them so many times. Honestly, it feels a little vulnerable to show my work.

But I have watched fellow bloggers overcome similar fears. I have cheered them on loudly from the sidelines as they boldy chased their dreams. Now it is my turn to step off the ledge.

I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated all of your support and encouragement. It has made the world of difference, so thank you! I should also thank my sweet husband who has exposed me to so many beautiful places and joined me on so many wonderful adventures.

What do you think? Have you faced this type of fear? Would you be willing to share you story here? If you are over 40, what did you do when you turned 40 to celebrate the occasion? If you are under 40, what would you like to do to mark the day when you reach that age? And if you have an artistic website, would you be willing to share your link here? I would love to see other’s creative adventures as I embark on my own!

I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you so much for reading!


Filed under Art, Blogging, Colorado, Photography, Photos

70 responses to “Introducing JC Politi Photography – My first photo exhibit!

  1. Next time I visit daughter, we’ll be sure and check out the cafe and your photos….very inspiring. We have a saying in our household, “no guts, no glory”. So kudos to you for putting yourself out there 🙂 Your photos are lovely.

  2. Congratulation to you for taking that massive leap and you will do so fine – your photos are magical.
    I wouldn’t have the patience for making my little hobby into something more than sharing it on my blog and I’m not at your standard neither. When I had my old camera did I do some amazing jobs and even sold some – but I don’t want to go down the road with all the different lenses. Now is it a layback hobby with a small camera in my handbag and the camera fits all my bags. So I wish you only the best and just GO for it. We should follow our dreams … dosen’t matter if we haven’t reached 40 or passed it long time ago.

    • 🙂 Great advice. I know what you mean about the hassles of the lenses and the framing is a beast as well. But still, so exciting to start taking it more seriously!! Thanks so much for the comment and the support!

      • This with not thinking our photos are not good enough is because we compare our art with others and there will always be somebody out there that has taken even better photo – competition is fear.
        So long you like your photos – you’re on the right track.
        If I lived close by .. would I be down tomorrow. You have my full support here .. you’re very talent.

  3. I find that I have to separate myself from the experience in the photograph before I can decide if it is a good image. I try to make myself take a hard look at my photos at least a couple of times a year. I will narrow things down to what I think are the best and then I will ask an artist I trust to give me her assessment. She can help me separate the love of the experience from the love of the image.

    • I can tell your photos are amazing from miles away!!! Great strategy. Good to know I am not alone. THanks so much fo rthe support!!

    • I thought about this more and you are SO right. I am always trying to capture moments, but can other people feel the moments if they didn’t experience it firstshand? Great idea to ask someone objective. Thanks for the tip!

      • I think people are drawn to something they experience when viewing your photo, maybe a memory of their own. I have 2 that I have sold more than the others – one is a dandelion against a cloudy sky – an extreme angle and the other are my grandpa’s keys on a work bench. There is something about those keys, people know they are old or something. When you are selling a photo you are selling your unique point of view and hopefully someone connects with that. Photography is so accessible – everyone takes photos all the time with their smart phones – we have to show them something they have never thought of. I think your Gaudi work is amazing – the color and texture – it’s a viewpoint not many have experienced. I think your work is great and you will do well:)

        • Thank you. That is very helpful and means a lot. I kind of think anyone could make a photo of Gaudi’s work looks great – it is so photogenic. Those are my favorite things to photograph – the things that look so great on their own, I couldn’t possibly mess them up!! Thanks again for your support and kind words! It really means a lot!

  4. What do I think?? I think your photos are awesome and I’m so proud of you for stepping out on the ledge. The 40’s are amazing for women J, enjoy, be brave, cut loose and go get ’em!

  5. I am sure BTG and I would encourage any venture you decided to undertake — and I expect you will do well. You have talent and determination. Good luck in your new adventure!

  6. I think it is great! I just turned 40 on December but try to forget about age and take as many chances as I can in life. I never want to har any regrets. My motto is always go for it! Congrats!

  7. Barneysday

    Congratulations on taking that first leap of faith by putting your work out there for all to see. There is certainly a risk when we put our passion out there, sharing what is so important to us with others who don’t necessarily share the same investment we have in our work. You are taking a risk, hoping that others will share your passion.

    Each time we do this, no matter our medium, it is like crawling out on a smaller limb of the tree. We leave the safety of the strong base for the exhileration of the narrower limb, being caught up in the joy, risking the possibility of falling off the swaying limb. But thats what we do as artists.

    Another example I like is opening one’s kimono. We must always strive to share just a bit more of ourselves with others, in order to grow. We welcome the possibility of rejection, knowing there is the joy of learning more about ourselves and about others.

    Congratulations, and I am sure you are beginning a wonderful path that will lead to all kinds of joy and adventure.

    Well done

  8. Congratulations! I’m so excited for you. I don’t make it to Boulder often – since I’m abt 700 miles away – but when I do I’ll try to stop by the Southside Walnut. 😀

  9. Well done you – the photos are superb – fingers crossed for the show.

  10. Jenni, the photos are great. Good luck. As to 40, don’t remind me pal.

  11. I am so happy and excited for you!!! Congrats on your brave new step! I’m approaching 39 and I don’t know if it is the age or the blogging or what, but I just opened a door at work that may change my career. An excited trepidation is sinking in as I try to pull it off. Good luck in your adventure!

  12. congratulations and good luck with your exhibit!!!! z

  13. I am absolutely thrilled for you! Your work is incredible and I am glad to know it will now be shared with the real world as well as the virtual. I already checked out the website, again amazing. Can you tell I’m a huge fan of your work? Honestly, when I first started following your blog I was most impressed by the photos. Best of luck on your next chapter, sounds like it will be filled with much joy.

  14. Wow! Congratulations and the best of luck in your photographic endeavors! You have had some wonderful adventures and gorgeous photos to showcase. I’m sure you will do well! 🙂

  15. Magnolia Beginnings

    I’m so proud of you! Be your spectacular self and watch what happens! When are you in NY? That’s close : )

  16. Congratulations! I was well past 40 when I achieved one of my goals. Best wishes to you!

  17. I love to read of people following their dreams. passion and commitment are great companions, add talent and you have got it made, they are great photos I have seen on your blog. In my 40’s I started following my dream to travel. Now at 70 I am still finding travel excites me. (life just gets better as you get older)

    • Yay! Life gets better as you get older – I have certainly seen that to be true so far. I found a passion for travel in my 20’s sparked by my grandfather and I am so grateful for that. I love that you are still going strong traveling in your 70’s – it’s a big world and that shows me that I have plenty of time to see it all! 🙂 Thanks so much for your comment!

      • Yes make the most of every moment, you never know when it is going to be your last. I had a heart attack 4 years ago now (and I have reached the biblical 3 score years and 10!!) so every day is a bonus for me…

  18. The photo from Argentina is especially nice.

  19. the curtain raiser

    Your photos have always been amazing and the new site looks fab. Good luck with the exhibit and the new venture and here’s to a decade of wonderful creativity. You got wise way earlier than I did :)!

  20. This is really cool! You wanted to get better at photography, you did, you got good photos and now you’re showing them to the world. Well-done!

    I think I had a similar fear with writing. I was writing entire novels in my head but never dared put my thoughts on paper. Then I realised that writing in English might be easier for me. Again, I was afraid: how could I write in English being French? I started blogging anyway and I’m so glad I did! Not only did I get amazing support from fellow bloggers, I also improved my writing with every new post 🙂

    • Thank you!! Actually, these photos are all from BEFORE I took any classes. Wait until you see what is yet to come! 😉

      Good for your for overcoming your fears. And how amazing to be able to write creatively in another language. That is absolutely inspiring to me, since I love learning languages, but know how hard that would be to do. Keep up the great work! And thank you so much for the support!

  21. Congratulations! Now that’s taking 40 by a storm! May the best be yet to come!!! Fantastic photos and I wish you success beyond measure. Sharing in your joy, Sharon p.s. I started my blog when I was 40 😀

    • Thank you!! That means a lot coming from you – your photos are beyond measure in my book. 🙂 Thanks again for the support. Turning 40 can really spark a flame, can’t it??? 🙂 Thanks again for your support!

  22. Congratulations ! Your Photos are awsome, great shots !
    When I turned 40 I got a present to myself: a journey in Galapagos Islands !
    A dream accomplished

  23. Congratulations for taking the leap – your photos are beautiful! Taking a chance on yourself is always a chance well-taken!

  24. Congrats to you!! This is wonderful! I loved turning 40 ~ it’s empowering! xoxo

    • I completely agree! Such a fun age! I didn’t know what to expect, but I am loving it so far! What a strange thing to see what a difference a year can make!!! Thank you for the support!

  25. I think your photos are pretty damn good! I’m a word person, not a picture person – but still, I appreciate quality.

    • Thank you!! The funny thing is, I am a word person too. Graphs and charts never persuade me as much as words. But that is why I love photography. It stretches my mind in such an interesting way. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the comment!!

  26. Hey! Congrats! Am so Happy for You! 🙂 you did it!
    You go girl! (40 is still very young you know 🙂 )
    Hugs and kisses!

  27. Jen,
    Congratulations! I’m so happy that your pictures are going to be displayed for every one to see. It takes a lot of time and dedication to select and frame your photos, but it looks like you have whole heartedly jumped into photography. Everyone who walks into that cafe will be able to enjoy your photographs and perspective.
    I also like your website. Looking very nice! And the first picture you posted of the cattle is really sweet. Welcome to the world of photography : )

  28. Wow! Congratulations! That is fantastic 🙂 I wish you all the best!

  29. I have been coveting a DSLR for a few years now. I will be 40 in July of next year, so perhaps that will be a good time to get one and learn how to use it, as you have. I am sick and tired of my point and shoot, which doesn’t seem to do justice to the remarkable beauty of my little ones and my small flock of pets. I live in the mountains of NC, abundant in hiking trails, waterfalls, foliage and wildlife. I would really love to use a good camera to capture it all when we go hiking. But then, I would probably drop it down a cliff…

    • You should do it! I wish I had done it long ago. And I have made myself forget the fears of hurting the camera – what good id it if you are afraid to use it? But I will never be without a good SLR again! I just have to find a way to make that happen. Good luck with your photo adventures! 🙂

  30. Dear friend,
    I am on my phone…so I’ll keep this short:
    You amaze and inspire me everyday. I count myself so lucky to have you in my world! !!*:))))

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